essential oil

[iˈsenʃəl ɔil]
  • 释义
  • 香精油;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    OBJECTIVE To analyze the constituents of essential oil extracted from the areal parts Eupatorium odoratum L.


  • 2、

    Objective To explore an optimum extraction technology of essential oil from Apricot flower.


  • 3、

    Ingredients: Jackfruit, glucose syrup, refined vegetable oil, flavor ( HVP, flavors, natural essential oil ), antioxidant.

    配料: 菠萝蜜 、 葡萄糖浆 、 精炼植物油 、 调味料 ( 水解植物蛋白 、 食用香料 、 天然植物精油 ) 、 抗氧化剂.

  • 4、

    The constituents of essential oil in Angelica sinensis were extracted with water distillation method.


  • 5、

    The perfume essential oil in longan peel was extracted by ameliorated simultaneous distillation extraction.


  • 6、

    Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, hydrolyzed pearl, batryticated silkworm, borneol, arbutin, aloe etc.

    成份: 清纯橄榄精油 、 水解珍珠液 、 僵蚕 、 冰片 、 熊果苷 、 芦荟等天然美白精华.

  • 7、

    Content: Rose essential oil, Herb cleanser, high effective moisture gene, Grape seed essence, VA.

    成份: 玫瑰精油 、 植物洁肤因子 、 高效保湿因子, 葡萄耔精华 、 精纯VA等.

  • 8、

    Gelatin, Glycerol , Essential oil of orange, Titanium dioxide, Copper Chlorophyll.

    明胶, 甘油, 香橙精华, 二氧化钛, 铜叶绿素.

  • 9、

    Scent: Calming essential oil blend of lavender and rosewood , tonka, chamomile, vanilla and violet leaf.

    香味: 舒缓精油混合熏衣草,玫瑰木,薰草, 甘菊, 香草和紫罗兰叶.

  • 10、

    Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, gingko extract, liquorice essence, honeysuckle, chamomile etc.

    成份: 清纯橄榄精油 、 银杏提取精华 、 甘草精华 、 金银花 、 洋甘菊等.

  • 11、

    The study describes the antimicrobial activity of garlic essential oil.


  • 12、

    The mechanism of anti oxidative activity of Ginger essential oil was also discussed.


  • 13、

    A new technique of extracting essential oil from Chinese herb and medicine was introduced.


  • 14、

    Influence of supersonic treatment on extraction of almond essential oil was studied.


  • 15、

    Objective: To evaluation bacteriostatic effects in vitro and dermal toxicity of Elsholtzia Cilita essential oil.

    摘要目的: 对香薷精油的体外抑菌作用及皮肤毒性进行评价.

  • 16、

    Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, misaiya purete, wild yam extract, horsetail grass extract etc.

    成份: 清纯橄榄精油 、 红参精华 、 野生山芋萃取精华 、 马尾草萃取液等.

  • 17、

    Objective: The chemical components of the essential oil from the Vitex trifolia L.

    目的: 对蔓荆子挥发油的化学成分进行了分析.

  • 18、

    Due to price fluctuation of the essential oil market, price subject to final confirmation.

    由于精油市场价格经常波动, 实际价格以确认订单为准.

  • 19、

    Conclusion: Elsholtzia Cilita essential oil may be used in some concentration range is safe.

    结论: 香薷精油在一定浓度范围内使用是安全的.

  • 20、

    Val watched the slow liquid filling his glass, the essential oil of the glazing the surface.

    瓦尔看着酒液缓缓倒入他的酒杯, 陈酒的油花在杯中闪耀着.

  • 21、

    Dab an essential oil of jasmine, peppermint, or vanilla on your arm and sniff.

    轻敷茉莉花精油, 薄荷, 香草在你的手臂,并不时的嗅一嗅.

  • 22、

    California Baby's light & fresh Calming essential oil blend adds to the bathing experience.

    加州(加利福尼亚)婴儿清新 镇静 香油配方增加了洗澡经验.

  • 23、

    Flower essential oil, quercetin and tannins, gallic acid, pigment, etc.

    花含挥发油 、 槲皮素、鞣质 、 没食子酸 、 色素等.

  • 24、

    Warning: Basil essential oil may irritate sensitive skin.

    警告: 罗勒精油会刺激敏感皮肤.

  • 25、

    Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, propolis, nano pearl powder, vitamin C, jojoba oil etc.

    成份: 清纯橄榄精油 、 蜂胶 、 纳米珍珠粉 、 维生素C 、 霍霍巴油等天然活性精华.

  • 26、

    The Chinese ginger in Jamaica is the raw material for extracting the best ginger essential oil.


  • 27、

    The extracting rate of the essential oil was logarithmically increased with extracting pressure and time.

